ZOMBIE 3: RETURN OF THE ZOMBIES 1988 Italian Version of Return of the Living Dead UNCUT MOVIE in HD & W/S

2 years ago

ZOMBIE 3: RETURN OF THE ZOMBIES 1988 (aka Zombie III: Nights of Terror) - A corpse infected with an experimental toxin is recovered by the US military, but the corpse is cremated, unintentionally releasing the toxin into the atmosphere over a small island. Soon the infected populace mutate into flesh-hungry zombies, and a trio of soldiers on leave must team up with tourists as they try to fend off the agile and aggressive living dead.

If this sounds familiar, it's basically a similar plot to Return of the Living Dead 1985 with some differences, which isn't a copyright violation in Italy. Despite being titled ZOMBIE 3, it's actually considered a sequel to 1979's ZOMBIE. The numerical skip is due to Romero's Dawn of the Dead being titled ZOMBIE in Italy, making ZOMBIE 1979 known as "Zombie 2" in Italy. Another Italian Zombie film that pushed the boundaries of grisly horror & gore at the time, though it might now be considered tame by modern film comparisons.

This is the Complete Uncut Movie as originally released in English in HD & Widescreen format. (Subscribe to this channel and my others as some videos are not monetized and/or not searchable)

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