DR GABRIELLE LYON 4 | 3-4 days a week resistance training for mitochondria health-metabolic stress!

2 years ago

presents episode 547 | Dr Gabrielle Lyon
Lillie Kane podcast

Next strategy: if optimizing muscle mass...
-40 to 55g protein per discreet meal (3 to 4/day)
If looking to maintain muscle mass...
-50 to 55g per discreet meal (2 per day)
[obese, menopausal, or older adult: 30g 3 meals/day]
-anyone could do one of these, starting tomorrow
"I don't think a one-meal-a-day is a good strategy"
-from studies by Dr Don Layman
"Why would anyone want to do that when
there are other strategies?"

Question: Exercise not critical?
-you cannot build muscle without exercise
"I recommend at least 3 to 4 days a week
of resistance exercise"
-a well-designed program is essential
(sitting on couch eating protein will not work)
-need mechanical tension & metabolic stress
-when young and relatively untrained, you will put on muscle much
quicker, have a strong hormone milieu
Cardiovascular activity:
-high intensity interval training & Zone 2 slower cardio training
~very important for mitochondrial function

Zone 2 training...
-ideally 150 minutes/week of moderate to vigorous
intensity exercise
-Zone 2 is not high intensity,
~but at least once a week do really max effort
"I train legs heavy 3 days a week
I am lean due to training my whole life, so I focus
on lower body strength"
-a lot of squats & compound movements
-go through cycles; use kettle bells
-1 to 2 days: upper body lifts
-1 day high intensity & 2 days cardiovascular

Question: Why lower body work?
-no particular reason at this point
-my upper body is strong
-want to increase lower body strength & musculature


LillieKane Youtube

Original Youtube: https://youtu.be/uqVQY454lws
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