Dynasty Dies, MAGA Ascends

2 years ago

As MAGA ascends, anti-Trumpers are laid waste and added to the dustbin of history. So was the fate of Liz Cheney. Our future looks bright in spite of the blight of the politicized DOJ gestapo. Join Chet Martin and CV Berton with guest Hayward Gatch.
Our live shows can be heard Saturdays from 1:30 to 3pm EST on local radio FM station Fox News 94.9 WJJF - covering Connecticut, Rode Island and Long Island, NY. Listen live from http://freedomondeck.com/ - and find the archives there and on most video platforms, and on Spotify!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/freedomondeck/.
Email Chet and Brian at FreedomOnDeck@gmail.com
Email CV at CVBerton@yahoo.com
Alpha Eye – novel by CV Berton available on Amazon: http://bit.ly/AlphaEye

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