Interview 278 with Illia Heart

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Illia Heart is a pioneer in the field of wholistic health and consciousness.
She has been in private practice, counselling clients for more than 30 years.
Illia is a Body Electronics Instructor, and has been actively teaching for 20 years.
She spent 24 years under the guidance, wing and prayer of an Ojibwe elder who greatly influenced Illia. He passed over to the other side camp in July, 2021.
Illia participated in a Kriya Yoga community from 1988- 1997. She holds a degree in Ayurveda as a Upa Vaidya (Ayurvedic Therapist), with clinical practice in Pancha Karm (5 Purifications).
She travelled and studied with Drunvalo Melchizedek for 10 years. Drunvalo certified her as a teacher of Awakening the Illuninated Heart in 2011.
“As human beings we have a tremendous responsibility to release anything less than love and live a gentle life on planet Earth. It is then we live in freedom as a global community, interdependent with the Earth/Cosmos. As we accept personal responsibility, we are given more and more opportunities to learn and grow. From this we share and the Circle expands."
Illia has been active in teaching Body Electronics for 20 years. She has taught in Sedona, Mount Shasta, Kauai, Maui, Salt Spring Island, Nelson, BC, and in SW Ontario near the shores of Lake Huron.
She received certification as a Body Electronics Instructor by Dr. Douglas Morrison- Author of How We Heal, New Cumberland PA, U.S.A. in 2003
doug and illia
Included in the Certification:
Health and the Human Mind
Cranial Electronics
Iridology and Sclerology
Following several years of study and practice of Body Electronics with Douglas Morrison, Illia went on to facilitate hundreds of students dedicated to B.E. Illia participated in the advanced teachings of the Visualization and Consciousness Course, held by Dr. Morrison in 2005, open only to B.E. Instructor’s. Upon request Illia taught along side Dr. Morrison until his retirement in 2007.
This powerful study and practice is foundational to The Gnostic Way.
“When resistance (anything less than unconditional love) is released from consciousness (thought-word-emotion) the result (effect) is natural harmony. This is the practice of Body Electronics. What we do in preparation and continued application of wholistic principles fuels and facilitates this evolutionary process.” Illia Heart~

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