Stop Your Headaches/ Migraines

2 years ago

If you or someone you know suffers with headaches/ migraines, please give reflexology a try! You'll be shocked at how easily and quickly you can reduce the number and symptoms associated with your headaches. You might even be able to eliminate them altogether!

Headaches and migraines are a Wood Element imbalance that occurs because of tension. This tension can be caused by high blood pressure, neck and shoulder pain/ tension and it often radiates to the eyes. All of these conditions are Wood Element imbalances related to the tendency to build up tension.

People with a lot of wood element traits tend to thrive on pressure and stress. Unfortunately, it takes a toll in their body.

In this video, I show you my favorite facial reflexology points and zones + some foot zones to work to reduce or eliminate headaches! Be sure to comment below if you noticed a difference.

I highly recommend making this protocol a daily self care routine or even partner up with a friend and trade treatments. You're going to love it!!!

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