STOP BEING FOOLED! Wednesday Night Live 17 Aug 2022

2 years ago

Philosopher Stefan Molyneux answers questions in an electrifying live stream, such as:

Jerome Frank says, In Law and the Modern mind, formal logic is flawed and therefore, absolutism is false. He cites some cogent examples from F.C.S. Schiller and some Piaget, saying when a child discovers his father is not omniscient, he shifts to other ideas as a surrogate, to maintain the absolutism he dreams to be true.

He also mentions word magic and that words become bigger than the concept, making words elastic enough to encompass everything to their particular bias.

Any thoughts or rants on any of the above?

I’ve talked to my husband about peaceful parenting and that you have never punished your daughter. We are hoping to start a family in the next year.

He thinks it’s possible raising boys and girls is different, that he was much more difficult to raise than his sisters, and was constantly in a power struggle with his father. He thinks maybe boys do require more discipline in order to become disciplined men. He agrees physical punishment is not acceptable.

Thanks to crypto I went from nearly broke to top 1% (in the west) in 2 years time. It wasn’t just luck. I spent 2017-2020 studying and working at it.

I was shocked to see nearly zero genuine joy from friends or family for me for this achievement after humbly disclosing it.

Are almost all human beings innately resentful and jealous, even of those closest to them? Should I judge them for it? It does sadden me. Thanks.

Hi Stef! How can I minimize the risk of my 10 month old daughter becoming a childless leftist feminist in the future? I am happily married, my wife stays at home, we're into PP and I assume this is a good starting point. However what I'm worried about is the ubiquitous leftist propaganda that she will encounter. Taking into account that the society as a whole tends to be lefty and that women tend to be more compliant I am afraid that she won't be able to reject the peer or social pressure and will soak up their ideas. Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you.

Is it possible that the darker part of myself is in part what has kept me safe in later half of life? My upbringing and past is about as sordid as one can imagine but my latter half has been quite the opposite. To the point where I often feel “square” or “upright”. Or I may be made to feel such.

sometimes I get angry too easily and its of course my fault.

is this the "dark personality" you talked about last Q&A or something else?

Because I don't care for that specific part of me but maybe I am missing something about the "dark personality" thing and maybe its got a purpose to serve?

Id love your thoughts!!

Death penalty and UPB?

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