Josh Green from Pennsylvania Prepares to be Installed as Hawaii's Next Governor

2 years ago

This message is not to discourage you amazing individuals from stepping up and running for office. This is just the way I see it. The democrats control the political arena through election fraud. The higher the office, the more prone it is to be tampered with by democrats behind the scenes. They were confident that Hillary Clinton was going to win the presidential election against Trump in 2016 but he beat her election fraud by such a wide margin. The democrat operatives got cocky and were shocked by Trumps victory. In 2020, Nancy Pelosi made assured speeches that no matter what happens, Trump would be leaving office in 2020 and she was damn right. The fix is in. This is all leading to the great awakening which is what this crazy period in human history is all about. Green showed extreme confidence all along that he would become Hawaii’s next governor. He served the Deep state so well as Hawaii’s “covid liaison” then why not install this servant of the NWO as Hawaii’s next governor?! Green showed many instances where he changed his own beliefs to sing to the tune of the establishment with his instructions on addressing covid. He is a puppet and the best kind of puppet. He will fool you as a family man and the good doctor with his scrubs on and stethoscope hanging around his neck when you run into him in the streets.

The reality is that the biggest voting block in the state are the unions with their members such as the teachers union whom instructed teachers statewide to vote for Silvia and Josh Green. Then you have the older upper middle class populations that watch the mainstream news religiously, who do you think they are going to vote for?! On top of having a lot of democrat voters in the state you still have to deal with election fraud which is largely complicated and in the hands of mostly democrat staff members. Don’t kid yourselves, this is a complex David and Goliath battle that’s going to take time dealing with combating election fraud in Hawaii. God bless you all and just realize the democrat controlled threat that we are under. 2nd half of the video shows Josh Green parroting Biden’s talking point that this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated and a reminder of what kind of liar he is now that it has become a "pandemic of the Vaxxed."

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