Testimonies of COVID-19 Vaccine Injured Israelis (+ dead loved ones)

2 years ago

These are just some of those COVID-19 vax injured israelis who had the courage to show themselves on camera to share their experience after getting the COVID-19 "vaccine" shot(s). I hope many citizens of other countries come up with something like this, a video compilation of people testifying against the vax. For those who got vaxxed who cannot relate because they don't have symptoms (yet), you probably got a placebo (= 0 toxins, saline solution). The evidence of Craig Paardekooper shows how the batch codes of the vials that can be seen on one's vax card can determine how toxic or non-toxic (placebo) were the shots given to you. Only around 1-5% are suoer toxic (> these are the ones who died shortly after their jab or got extremely injured or got severe/lie-threatening adverse reactions while most of the jabbed, like around 45-50% got mildly to moderate;y toxic which our most of our bodies and immune system can handle for 3- 5 years (unless we do something to remove the parasitic nanoparticles and lab-made artificiak spike proteins which are the real pathogens (DEFINITELY NOT A NATURAL VIRUS, it's absolutely artificial which includes GRAPHENE OXIDE, SHEETS etc that were verified by several scientists who examined the contents of covid-19 vials under a super electron microscope (THAT THE big pharma sponsored MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS NOT SHOWING YOU and your SUPER SIUNGALINGAN na government & politicians are not telling you [some of them also DO not know what's really going on and are just concrned about the profit or are brainwashed to believe in whatever the m,ainstream media and UN-WHO have to say) Check out https://howbadismybatch.com < the evidence have been examined by a group of doctors and experts including Dr. Robert Malone

I think that the evidence presented by Mr. Paardekooper proving that the COVID-19 vials contain different levels of toxicity is one of the best evidence we have and is enough to demand for a public and independent investigation of the covid-19 vials as well as the cessation of the "vaccination".

The VAERS database, the EUROVIGILANCE and other database that contains data about post vax injuries, adverse reactions and deaths have to be investigated and MUST BE SHOWN TO THE PUBLIC WITH DAILY UPDATES.
We know and we have caught the VAERS database being edited and shaved off LIVE! (we have evidence of this) which is why VIGILANCE as well as REAL TESTIMONIES recorded on video such as this one I uploaded is very important for EVERYONE to see.

QUOTE (last part of the video)
Host : “the dear people you just watched are just a fraction of what’s going on out there.
The Israeli People’s Committee, a civil group formed to collect this data, collected THOUSANDS of testimonies. So if it happened to you or to someone you know, please report to the Israeli’s People Committee. Then, please share this video, and add your personal story. Because you are no longer alone. There are thousands of testimonies to support you. Now, when it comes to our children, the truth MUST come out.
To reach the testimonies project site and to send a video of your testimony:

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