Best Bug Out / Survival Rifle? Probably.....

2 years ago

Please share this video with anyone who may be interested - the YouTube algorithms (censorship) won't help this one....
*Links and time stamps below*
Being able to harvest food is becoming increasingly more important as we slip into a Global(ist) food (engineered) 'crisis'.
Most people don't grow any food and have no idea where to forage or hunt but learning these skills is not only good for personal development and health it could be a life saver.
All too often guns / firearms are portrayed in a negative light due to the many tragic events in the US but strip away the superficial mainstream story and a familiar pattern of dangerous pharmaceuticals, FBI 'monitoring' of the shooter(s) and deeply disturbed people emerges - this video is not to make light of any of those events or to investigate deeper into them. It is to show responsible gun ownership and explain that a tool used to harvest food which has been demonized for political agendas can be part of a perfectly normal existence.....maybe not the 'New Normal' though....

The rifle in this video is a Ruger 10/22 Takedown (stainless version) and the stock is a Magpul X-22 Backpacker.
Light is Olight PL-Pro Valkyrie and is 1500 lumens.

Links for gear shown in the video:
Magpul X-22 Backpacker stock:
Olight PL-Pro Valkyrie light:
Olight magnetic pressure switch:
Huntsman Swiss Army knife:
Camouflage balaclava:

From the backpacks I've tested the following will easily hold the this rifle but bear in mind that the barrel has been shortened allowing me to leave the silencer / moderator on.
Maxpedition Gyrfalcon
Maxpedition Zafar
Snugpak Rocket
Karrimor Sabre 45
My favorite of those packs is the Maxpedition Zafar but it is difficult to find now - you may have to pick one up second hand - I did.

00:00 Intro
02:50 Large calibre rifles and shotguns
07:11 If I could only have one rifle....
11:56 Magpul X-22 Backpacker stock
12:53 Survival gear
15:08 Olight PL-Pro Valkyrie
18:16 Why the short barrel?
19:40 The Takedown
20:40 Backpacks for the Takedown
24:16 Noise test
24:56 Sling options
27:43 Strap bag
28:20 What's in the bag?
32:44 Summary / Outro

In a survival / bug out / SHTF situation the .22LR caliber rifle allows for quiet hunting without ruining the food and less noise = less attention.
A 30-06 or other large caliber rifle may be great for hunting Moose, large Deer or Bear and an AR-15 may be great if things go Mad Max but for the hunting of small game the .22LR reigns supreme.

If you think I did a decent job please share and give it the thumbs up.
Thanks for watching - see you next time.

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