Hyper Inflation Inducement & Theft On Massive Scale Act: Everything Goes In New World Slave Empire

2 years ago

Food, power, water, money, health, privacy, self-autonomy… everything goes in the New World Slave Empire. In today’s show, Jeff Berwick talks about slave tax farms, quarantine camps, and bureaucratically padlocked borders – not to hold out intruders, but to prevent you from taking your money and your business and getting out.

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***** Sources for this video *****

Intro vid: Truth Vibrations - ‘Slave’ Official Video (by a TDV fan): https://youtu.be/-a-ruE15BNA

Passport delays spur some Canadians to game the system with fake travel plans: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/passport-waits-delays-line-standers-fake-travel-gaming-travel-doc-system-1.6550262?s=09

The Jones Plantation Full video: https://youtu.be/vb8Rj5xkDPk

Most Dangerous Superstition: https://www.amazon.com/Most-Dangerous-Superstition-Larken-Rose/dp/145075063X

Unvaccinated Novak Djokovic can play in US Open 2022 after USA confirms Covid rule changes: https://www.timesnownews.com/sports/tennis/unvaccinated-novak-djokovic-can-play-in-us-open-2022-after-usa-confirms-covid-rule-changes-article-93538945

Rent Is Becoming A Crisis In The U.S.: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/rent-becoming-crisis-us

Finland may close stores to conserve power this winter: https://www.rt.com/news/559952-finland-close-stores-power/

Why Solar Power Is Failing Amid Record-Breaking Heat: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/why-solar-power-failing-amid-record-breaking-heat

CBS Mornings Blames Climate Change for the Increasing Number of Fat Kids (VIDEO):https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/08/cbs-mornings-blames-climate-change-epidemic-fat-kids-video/

Video: Klaus Schwab's sidekick, Yuval Noah Harari outlines the dystopian vision they have for our future, where bodies and minds will be manufactured, and millions of 'useless people' will be entertained with drugs and video games: https://twitter.com/david_r_morgan/status/1558378938841300992

WEF Adviser: We Don't Need Majority of World Population: https://thenewamerican.com/wef-advisor-we-dont-need-majority-of-world-population/

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