close up shot of sea anonemon

2 years ago

Sea anemones are animals from the Anthozoa class that at first glance look like plants, but if you look further, sea anemones are a type of animal.The anemone's body shape is like a flower, so it is also called a sea rose.The circular fold between the body and the mouthparts divides the animal into the capitulum above and the scapus below. Between the neck-like arch (collar) and the base of the capitulum there is a "fossa". The mouthparts are flat, circular, sometimes wrinkled, and are equipped with tentacles except in the Limnactinia type, the mouthparts are not equipped with tentacles. Some sea anemones can move like snails, moving slowly by sticking. Most sea anemones have stinging cells that are useful for protecting themselves from predators

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