10 Minute HIIT Workout - CARDIO Workout // NO EQUIPMENT | Cobrinha BJJ

2 years ago

Beginner 1 Round
Intermediate 2 Rounds
Advanced 3 Rounds

You will definitely sweat and most likely you are going to have fun during those 10 minutes workout.

No Equipment necessary and not much space needed.
Kneeling Squat
Jump Rope
Jump Jacks
Inside Toe Tap
Skate Lunges
Mountain Climber
High Knees
Esquiva De Frente
Decida Basica
Cadeira Squats
Reverse Lunge Toe Tap
Bridge Leg Circle
Reverse Spider Push Ups

To further develop and improve your Brazillian Jiu Jitsu please visit the Cobrinha website where you can learn from one of the greatest Brazillian Jiu Jitsu practitioners in history.
► ►►http://www.cobrinhaonline.com/

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