Disney's Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers Gameplay (NES/Steam Afternoon Collection)

2 years ago

Believe it or not, I had never played this game until I picked up Disney's Afternoon Collection of Steam last night. I've owned it less than 24 hours as of this recording.

Chip 'n Dale, Duck Tales, and all the NES Disney games were a main staple of the early days of Retro gaming on Youtube. I'm talking 2007-2008 early days. The way people talked about these games made me really want to play them, especially Ducktales, which I did recently acquire for the NES (I'm terrible at that game). I do realize that a lot of the early retro game videos did tend to embellish these games (and others), possibly a mixture of nostalgia, and trying to make a good video.

As someone with absolutely no nostalgia for any of the Disney NES games, I can say I like them so far. Fun, well designed, but there are games I like better in the NES library, because my childhood experience with the system was a lot different. Very few NES gamers had similar experiences with the console, but that's the beauty of it.

I have already beaten Rescue Rangers, and I do like it, but it's not as good as it was marketed to be in the early days of Youtube, that is, to me. It's a good game, for sure, and I love that so many other gamers have great childhood memories with it. I love hearing those stories, but, as I said, all these games have been embellished a little to legendary status. I wouldn't call them legendary, but they are fun.

Rescue Rangers is a well made game, and I would have loved playing this with my brother as a kid, but with no nostalgic attachment to the game, I can say I like it, but I like a lot more NES games a lot better. The same with Ducktales, I like it, but I like other NES classics a lot better.

However, for the Disney Afternoon Collection, I do suggest it, because it'll save you hundreds of dollars over the physical carts. It only cost $19.99 on Steam, and is a steal for that price.

#RescueRangers #NES #Gameplay

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