Where Did The Bible Come From

2 years ago

Where Did The Bible Come From

June 29, 2022

(Watch the Vimeo video)

Lord Jesus, keep the church rooted and faithful to the true gospel. By Your power, we pray that we'll in no way deviate or delineate from the truth. Amen.

Mother Clare began, "Beloved Heart Dwellers, I want to clarify a misunderstanding. All of you know that we believe what the early church believed for the first 300 years, which included ordination of women presbyters, but there is much confusion over those original beliefs of the early church and today. Recently I asked a lady, "Are you Catholic?" She answered, "Oh no. I'm a Christian." I wanted to say, Catholics are Christians too, but I knew she was not receptive to that idea. So, I wanted to bring forth a little understanding about how we got the Bible.-- --

"My dear ones, if it had not been for the early church, we would not have a Bible, did you know that? There was no Bible in the beginning. There was only the authority of the apostles who wrote the gospels and letters. So when someone says to me, "I only believe in the Bible, I don't follow any man or any religion," they are missing the authority upon which the Bible is canonized, or declared the work of God through man, and that authority lies with the men Jesus breathed upon and all their successors. Now in this day and age it is not difficult to discern that communism has infiltrated the original body of the early church, and is hard at work destroying its foundations. But remember what the Lord said, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah! And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."

"And indeed, as in the second world war, His Church went underground. Even now in China, there are many underground bishops that have not been discovered, and many more presbyters, and they are in apostolic succession birthed by the authority of Jesus who passed that authority to the apostles, who passed that on through ordination, consistent with the early church. So to say that I only believe in the Bible is to reject the legitimate authority granted to men to protect, defend and pass on the truth of Christ's doctrines. Lord, I would rather you take over here, do you mind?"

Jesus began, "Not in the least, what you have said is the truth. I do not wish to create or promote, the battles Satan starts with one man's interpretation over another man's or denominations interpretation. The truth is for the meek and humble of heart, that shun rebellious ways and look only for the truth. Satan has done a stellar job in turning men against one another, while the basic beliefs still stand. He has done this so successfully that few recognize the truth. So this message is for those who seek only the truth and have no personal opinion or prideful stance to defend.

"I never left My Church in confusion. Even Paul who received personal revelation from Me, went to Peter and submitted what he believed I taught him, to Peter.-- --

In Acts 2:2, "And I went up by revelation, and communicated unto them that gospel which I preach among the Gentiles, but privately to them which were of reputation, lest by any means I should run, or had run, in vain."

2 Peter 1:20 and 21. "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the Scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost."

"And who were the holy men? My successors, the apostles, who later were appointed as the original ones passed into Heaven. So, My Church still stands, the gates of hell have not prevailed, but the pride and ignorance of man, fed by Satan, has. My children, do not be deceived by modern day preachers who follow the Scriptures but spurn the authority of the church which I invested in her by the laying on of hands and the breath of My Heart. These days are indeed treacherous because Satan has taken over the political church. But My people called by My Name, living according to the teachings of the Scripture and the legitimate edicts of My Church, are the ELECT REMNANT which are alive and well. The elect recognize My voice and My authority in the church. Those on the outside who ridicule My Church, still adhere to the Bible she gave them, but reject the authority that goes with it. Therefore, they are not--My Church, but separated brethren whom I love with all My Heart and are a part of My Body."

And that was the end of His message.

God bless you dear ones and may you all be enveloped in the Lord's love and peace.

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