Melania Trump sending coded messages to the Washington Post?

5 years ago


An excerpt from a Wapo Article:

"A new unauthorized biography of Melania Trump is titled “Free, Melania,” and although the words refer to the left-wing fantasy meme that the first lady is a prisoner begging for liberation, the comma demands unpacking. Is it a stylistic choice? Is another word missing, i.e. “[Be] Free, Melania”? Did it mean to imply the first lady, like a garage-sale lampshade, is available to a good home? “Free: Melania.”

The title is inscrutable, and so is the first lady, even after one reads this book, which was written by a reporter who has more insider knowledge than most: CNN’s Kate Bennett, who is the only member of the White House press pool dedicated solely to Melania coverage. She’s dined with her, traveled with her, interviewed her, interpreted her."


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