A Health Rebel With A Cause… Matt-4-Mankind joins Krystal Tini

2 years ago

After being plagued with multiple health conditions like Psoriasis, IBS, high cholesterol, ED, cold sores, acne, heart palpitations, chest pains, boils, cysts, arthritis, & anxiety at a young age, Matt was determined to find a solution to get rid of them. After years of studying, researching, and experimenting using a combination of holistic health modalities he ended up reversing every single health problem. No medications or doctors. Matt had learned that our bodies are self-healing and that all we have to do is create the right environment for it and get out of its way. Now Matt is a holistic health and detox coach that guides people how to do the same for themselves. He's helped hundreds of people heal chronic diseases like Stage-4 Cancer, Diabetes, High blood pressure, hemorrhagic ovarian cysts, and obtain electric health.

Website: https://www.matt4mankind.com/

Social Handles: @matt4mankind

The only way to make change, is to create waves. Lots of them.
Krystal Tini TV: Episode 35 August 18, 2022
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