Father handcuffed in front of his daughter for social distancing violation

4 years ago

Colorado father, 33, is handcuffed in front of his six-year-old daughter for breaking social distancing guidelines by playing tee-ball with his wife and kid in an empty park

Matt Mooney took to Facebook to share that he had been arrested in Donelson Park, posting a status about how he could mark detainment off his 'bucket list'

Video shared former Brighton City Councilman Kirby Wallin showed Mooney being detained by Brighton police on Sunday

Mooney said he refused to identify himself to three officers because he was sure he hadn't done anything wrong when he was throwing the ball with his daughter

In the clip, Wallin describes that the father is being detained while 'playing softball with his daughter'

The father shared that he spent 10 minutes in the police patrol car before he was released by authorities -- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/werenotsorry

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