you know that music that keeps you from suicide

2 years ago

so grateful to have this option
playing piano is pretty amazing
they could do a lot more creative stuff
you dunno until you try it
my tribute to fiona apple, personal hero
i couldn't wait to get home n put on my headphones
i knew that she knew exactly what i was goin thru
i know she's a liberal who hates kavanauagh
we forgive, she helped me live
hushity hush thelonious, rip fiona
wait wait wait
i say it out loud and it's terrible
don't think i dunno that this ain't quality content
i guess i am a more progressive artist after all, damnit
i know i'm arrogant af
half kidding, half serious
maybe a quarter or possibly a whole serious, shhhhh
fiona apple, my personal hero
she kept me from killing myself
fiona apple, elliott smith, tupac, ani difranco
i don't care as long as i like/appreciate what you do *real artist thing
we fiddle around a lot, sorry
i waved to my neighbor and i think he was pissed cos i didn't talk to him cos i kept shooting videos, oh well we will have to wait n see i guess

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