CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST 1980 Grisly Jungle Cannibal 'Found Footage' Horror Film DIRECTOR'S CUT in HD & W/S

2 years ago

CANNIBAL HOLOCAUST 1980 (aka Olocausto Cannibale in Italy) - During a rescue mission into the Amazon rainforest, a professor finds film shot by a missing documentary crew & brings the film home to be viewed by the TV network that financed it. The 'found footage' depicts the film crew's cavalier attitude & brutal behavior towards the Amazonian natives, and then the grisly revenge by the natives upon the crew.

One of the notorious 1980s Italian Cannibal movies that Eli Roth used for his Cannibal Horror film, The Green Inferno, and in fact that name was taken from the working title of this film's found documentary footage. These films are known for pushing the boundaries of grisly horror & gore at the time, though might now be considered tame by modern film comparisons.

This is the Director's Cut of the Movie. the director returned to the film a few scenes previously removed, these are in Italian and are brief. The rest is as originally released in English in HD & Widescreen format. (Subscribe to this channel and my others as some videos are not monetized and/or not searchable)

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