A Whole Bible Look at Romans 5 thru 8

2 years ago

Second in a series of four videos on the whole book of Romans, Bruce S. Bertram from The Word of God Ministries and http://www.wholebible.com takes a whole Bible look at chapters 5 through 8 with an eye toward explaining the way Paul looks at the Law of Moses.

Far from being a worn out, old way of doing things, that God didn't mean in the first place, Paul presents the Law in very positive terms. He points the way to the manner of living the Law with love and the Spirit. There are many people who misunderstand the book, and try to use it to get rid of the Law, which man has been trying to do since the Garden. Others, many in the Messianic movement, cannot adequately explain the Law in context with teachings such as these, which usually leads to throwing the New Testament away. We think that Paul's teachings line up very well with the rest of the Word, if they are properly understood in the context of that Word.

Below is a list of time marks as hyperlinks so you can skip to particular sections as you have need. We've also put in links to some of our other videos that help explain further some of the issues raised.

2:15 chapter 5 verses 1-5
3:15 chapter 5 verses 6-11
3:30 video link A Whole Body: The Nicolaitans http://youtu.be/T60cA3TYHUk
5:45 chapter 1 verse 16
7:45 hearers of the law
9:00 chapter 3 review
10:00 chapter 4 review
10:15 video link Whole Bible Applications: Circumcision http://youtu.be/hgpeQfzbBs0
12:00 chapter 5 verses 12-14
14:45 chapter 5 verses 15-17
16:00 chapter 5 verses 18-21
18:00 chapter 6 verses 1-6
19:45 chapter 6 verses 7-14
22:30 New Covenant Jeremiah chapter 31 verses 31-34
23:40 video link Whole Bible Objections: Works of Law Are Bad, Not Under Law http://youtu.be/2psYFGDvX-U
28:45 video link to The Whole Picture: Which Law, What Works, Where Grace? http://youtu.be/nvR2YUAkxjQ
29:00 video link to Whole Bible Objections: Civil, Ceremonial, Moral http://youtu.be/6YMq_XwUT1I
30:44 chapter 6 verses 19-23
33:39 "law delivered by angels but not followed"
33:59 chapter 7 verses 1-2
34:40 Isaac and Rebekah marriage
35:00 chapter 7 verse 3
35:50 chapter 7 verses 4-6
39:00 chapter 7 verses 7-10
40:10 chapter 7 verses 11-12
40:29 chapter 7 verses 13-15a
41:59 chapter 7 verse 15
42:30 chapter 7 verses 16-18
43:00 chapter 7 verses 18-23
44:00 chapter 7 verses 23-25
45:10 chapter 8 verses 1-5
46:20 chapter 8 verses 6-9
47:20 Genesis 3 verse 6
video link to Whole Bible Applications: Food http://youtu.be/1XE4uxt1fj0
video link to Whole Bible Objections: Works of the Law Are Bad, Not Under Law http://youtu.be/2psYFGDvX-U
52:00 chapter 8 verses 12-13
52:59 chapter 8 verses 14-17
53:39 Matthew 10 verse 34
53:59 chapter 8 verses 18-26
55:20 chapter 8 verses 27-30
56:50 chapter 8 verses 31-39

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