Church For You Adelaide

2 years ago

Who are Church For You - and what's it all about?

Church For You is a Bible believing church which is in fellowship with other like-minded independent Baptist churches within Australia. The Church upholds Bible truth and declares the soul-saving Gospel of Christ.

Church For You is founded for the glory of God, as a Christ-centred, Bible-based ministry. It started in February 1999, with eight people at its first service at a school in Craigmore. We’ve been meeting at our present home in Elizabeth Park, South Australia, since October 2001.

The church has various outreach and fellowship opportunities. In all things our aim is to bring honour to the Lord Jesus Christ in sharing the Gospel with our community. There are ministries for families, men, women, youth, and children.

Church For You is committed to reaching the world by all scriptural means, and being a caring family of believers together. We present the Lord Jesus Christ and His wonderful saving Message. We love to preach the Good News of God's grace found in the precious pages of the Holy Bible, which is what leads us in faith and life. You can know personally this vital message for life of Christ’s wonderful work of salvation, by God's grace, through faith.

The church upholds orthodox Biblical doctrine. We uphold the authority of the Bible, as the inspired, inerrant, eternal Word of God. We believe in the one God, manifested in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Christ is God manifest in the flesh - fully God and fully man. The Holy Spirit convicts of sin, righteousness and judgment. He regenerates men and sanctifies the believer for a holy life.

The local New Testament Church is an assembly of believers gathered together in worship, prayer, and fellowship. We are actively engaged in the proclamation of the Gospel. The church opposes worldliness and apostasy.

We believe in a blessed Heaven for the saved, and a dread Hell for the lost. Mankind has fallen into sin, and our only way for forgiveness and salvation is wholly of the grace of God through Jesus Christ's shed blood and substitutionary death, burial, and resurrection. Salvation is freely offered to all mankind. Believers are called with a holy calling - holiness is God's standard of living for His people. Christ's coming is the believer's sure hope. It is an incentive to holy living and faithful service, to be ready to meet Him when He comes.

Come and find a place of fellowship with God’s people!

We invite you to consider being a part of this local family of believers and serve our Lord together, and reach out, so that others also may come to know and trust the Lord.

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