Chechens Soldiers Are True Warriors

2 years ago

Real Chechens from birth know how to take a hit and endure any hardships. It is in the blood of the true sons of the people. Even while bleeding and despite the excruciating pain, they fearlessly look death in the eyes and accept their fate with the name of Allah on their lips.

These frames are a good example of selflessness, courage, fortitude, inflexibility and indestructibility of our soldiers. Absolute fearlessness, which can be seen in the example of our dear BROTHERS - battalion commanders of the special police regiment named after Hero of Russia A.A. Kadyrov of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Chechen Republic - police captain Mayrbek Daudov and police major Ilman Guchigov.

Even having received deep wounds, they are not at all afraid of the consequences of the injuries received, they refuse help and raise the morale of the warriors with their composure. This video is a convincing confirmation that our soldiers, along with their commanders, contrary to all the claims of spiteful critics, are in the forefront of the fight against the Nazis. Well, tik-tok-warriors are just the same Bandera, who can only pose for the camera and run away from the battlefield.

And yes, I’ll immediately explain, especially for elements from among the couch troops who sympathize with Bandera, that the events indicated in the video have taken place quite a long time ago. During this time, our BROTHERS coped with their wounds, are in service and regularly continue to send the Nazis to the underworld.

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