With Good Reason | The Platonic Philosophy Series | Episode 2 (WiM203)

2 years ago

In this special edition series, I will be joined by multiple thinkers and philosophers to discuss Platonic and Neoplatonic philosophy. This ongoing series of conversations will focus on the nature of goodness, truth, justice, freedom, beauty, reason, and love. My first guest in this series is the eminent cognitive scientist and philosopher John Vervaeke, and we examine D.C. Schindler's masterpiece "Plato's Critique of Impure Reason: On Goodness and Truth in the Republic."

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John's Twitter: https://twitter.com/vervaeke_john
Plato's Critique of Impure Reason: https://www.amazon.com/Platos-Critique-Impure-Reason-Goodness/dp/0813228247#:~:text=Plato's%20Critique%20of%20Impure%20Reason%20offers%20a%20dramatic%20interpretation%20of,real%20image%22%20of%20the%20good.

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00:00:00 “What is Money?” Intro
00:00:08 Swan Private
00:01:37 “Value” vs “The Good”: The Goal of All Human Action
00:10:00 The Through-Line to Economic, Intellectual, and Moral Value
00:16:10 Distinguishing Intrinsic from Instrumental Goodness
00:24:20 Aristotelean Subject-Object Metaphysics and the Mediating Third
00:28:28 The Academy’s Misapprehension of Platonic Philosophy
00:29:54 On the Absolute Goodness of Justice
00:34:46 Intrinsic Existence vs Attributed Existence: Gravity vs Money
00:40:38 Variants Coalesce to Invariants Within a System: An Analogy to Gravity
00:42:11 Freedom: An Instrumental or Intrinsic Good?
00:49:56 Love and Reason Live In-between the Arbitrary and the Algorithmic
00:54:25 Watch “Hard Money with Natalie Brunell” From Swan Studios
00:55:11 Take Control of Your Healthcare with CrowdHealth
00:56:20 Direct vs Indirect Observation, Qualitative and Quantitative Tradeoffs
01:03:53 “Falling in Love With Being Again”: A Critique of the “Two Worlds” Mythology
01:07:57 Replacing “Transcendence Above” with “Transcendence Into”
01:14:17 The Good: The Multi-Aspectual Through-Line
01:17:12 “The Question that Can Wake John Vervaeke at 3am”
01:22:03 Distinguishing Between “Relevance” and “Value”
01:27:30 Common Approaches to The Good
01:33:58 “Spinoza’s Religion” and Self-Sufficiency as the Emulation of God
01:41:41 The Inseparability of Human Reason and Love
01:44:44 Bitcoin as Good Money
01:55:20 Translucence: How Symbols Simultaneously Reveal and Conceal
02:04:46 Goodness as Perfective Unity
02:06:48 The Divided Line in the Parable of Plato’s Cave
02:14:00 Plato Emphasizes the Continuity of the Divided-Line: Gradations on the Through-Line
02:20:14 Where the Icon Darkens: Social Media, Fiat Money, and Other False Realities
02:26:23 The Unity of Opposites: The Absolute, Self-Transcending Nature of Love
02:29:07 “Love is the Difficult Realization that Something Other than Yourself Is Real”
02:35:59 Unbroken Wholeness: Religion as the Real Self-Realization of Reality
02:41:30 Dialogical Rationality Supersedes Individual Rationality
02:42:40 “What Would Happen If You Touched the Sunset?”

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