Butter Movie Review Video | Butter Movie Review Explained

2 years ago

Butter Movie Review Video. Butter Movie Review Explained

A teenager from Arizona (Alex Kersting) steps on the scale at his doctor's office. There, it says 424 pounds. He gives his mother his cell phone, which he has pulled out of his pocket, in order to get rid of any extra luggage. The scale reads 423.3 pounds. The story of a troubled high school student is the focus of "Butter," a movie written and directed by Paul A. Kaufman and based on the book by Erin Jade Lange. It is well-intentioned but excessively sanctimonious.

Film Credits
Butter (2022)
Alex Kersting as Butter
Mira Sorvino as Marian
Annabeth Gish as Doctor Jennice
Mykelti Williamson as Professor Dunn
Brian Van Holt as Frank
McKaley Miller as Anna McGinn
Ravi Patel as Doctor Bean

Director: Paul A. Kaufman
Writer (book): Erin Jade Lange
Writer: Paul A. Kaufman
Cinematographer: Greg Gardiner
Editor: Garry M.B. Smith
Composer: Jeff Toyne

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