Antinomianism: How Evangelicalism Defends Its Lawlessness | Hebrews 10:1-4

2 years ago

The “law” which the author references in the beginning of Hebrews 10:1, is not a reference to the Moral Law (the 10 Commandments). The Moral Law is not a shadow of future blessings, but an eternal system of perfect precepts; the holiness it requires is not figurative, but truly good and truly right. Furthermore, the principles of the Moral Law are not obscure, but plain and easily understood. And finally, the Moral Law is not fleeting and passing away, as a shadow, but lasting and durable. Therefore, it is not the Moral Law, but rather the Ceremonial Law, that is intended here. The Ceremonial Law was the "shadow" (a figure/type), a representation of something else that is actually true, real, and substantial. The Ceremonial Law was dark and obscure, yet there was some measure of light and ultimate reality contained in it. The Ceremonial Law ultimately pointed to Christ himself.

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