IM: Malcolm X (Down with Brown?)

2 years ago


On CSPAN's Road to the White House, one student in college who had not only worshipped at the Ebenezer Baptist Church, but actually knew the former pastor, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and had enjoyed a Sunday dinner with he and his wife at Paschal's, near the Clark College campus on his first visit to the church on Auburn Avenue and to the city of Atlanta, listened to a former Colorado Democrat Governor using the church where Rev. King's mother was assassinated for a campaign backdrop, and could not believe what some politicians would do to get a vote.

And maybe that is why the godson of the first Negro House Majority Whip has never held elective office, not even in a progressive, inclusive and open-minded community, like Arlington, Virginia, where every yard has a Black Lives Matter sign, and every church flies a rainbow flag outside bigger than the cross atop the steeple.

Or maybe Arlington just knows how to sell stuff, like their elected representative, automobile mogul and multimillionaire, Don Beyer, Jr., but since the critical race theory proponents have expressed concerns about Black History not even being taught in school boards run by Democrats, one not an option, fringe independent, who "really ain't black", brings Black History to the internet, in easy to consume video format for visual learners. How convenient and nonpartisan, too. He's been rejected by VA8GOP, for being too liberal?

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