13 Top Natural Treatments For Premenstrual Mood Symptoms

2 years ago

Do premenstrual symptoms feel like your worst enemy? PMS can alter your ability to live a normal life. Almost 8% of women in the reproductive age group face PMS or PMDD regularly. Even if these conditions are common it doesn’t mean they should be a regular thing. So let's prioritize your menstrual health before it goes out of whack.

In today's video, we’ll be discussing the top 13 natural treatments for premenstrual mood symptoms. Can using alternative menstrual products stop the suffering? Should you be experimenting with herbal healing? We're discussing all that and more.

#PMS #PMSRelief #Bestie

Sources: https://pastebin.com/0EJYY9dL

Intro - 0:00
First, what exactly is PMS and PMDD? - 00:34
Are you getting enough Omega 3 from your food? - 01:25
Meditation and yoga will have you covered - 01:56
Cut back on caffeine - 02:28
Have you tried a menstrual cup? - 03:20
Go on a low sodium diet - 03:48
Regular supplements can work wonders - 04:21
Sip on herbal teas - 05:14
Hot water bottles can be your new snuggle buddies - 05:52
If you really want to go a step further try acupuncture - 06:19
Are you a night owl? Then get a full night's sleep - 06:55
De-stress regularly - 07:22
Sleep in a cold room - 08:28
Avoid fatty and sugary foods - 08:59


What exactly is PMS and PMDD
Premenstrual syndromes, commonly known as PMS is a group of physical and psychological changes occurring in the second half of your menstrual cycle. They keep happening in a cyclic pattern and can last for 9 to 14 days.

Are you getting enough Omega 3 from your food?
Research has shown omega 3 fatty acids to keep depression, nervousness, anxiety, bloating, headache, breast tenderness, and breakouts at bay.

Meditation and Yoga will have you covered.
I know you might not be super pumped to work out if you are PMSing. But mild to moderate exercise can help you relax and give some pain relief.

Cut back on caffeine.
Caffeine is one of the most addictive drugs. The warm fuzzy feeling that you get after having a cup of coffee tells your brain to keep going for more.

Have you tried a menstrual cup?
Menstrual products like tampons and scented sanitary napkins contain hormone-disrupting chemicals. Tampons can cause additional cramping in your lower abdomen and sometimes skin irritation.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.

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