STUDY: Plastic Food Packaging May Be Causing Cancer & Infertility

2 years ago

Do you drink from plastic cups or use plastic straws? No? What about disposable plastic cutlery? Switching to sustainable utensils had a massive environmental drive. But the dangers of plastic around your food don’t end here. Did you know food packaging like cling foil, wrappers, tins, and tetra packs also contain hundreds of life-threatening chemicals?

Today's video will explore the dangerous chemicals in food packaging and how they alter the quality of your life. Does it cause cancer? What about infertility? We're discussing all that and more.

#SideEffectsOfPlastics #Plastic #Bestie


Intro - 0:00
BPA - 2:24
BPA-Free Plastic - 3:44
Phthalates - 4:19
Notorious Chemicals - 8:11


Have you ever heard of BPA?
BPA or Bisphenol A is one of the few chemicals added to plastic to increase flexibility. The unique quality of BPA is it does not let the plastics shutter after cooling or heating. It is necessary to produce everything from plastic bottles to milk cartons, cans, food containers, and even thermal paper receipts. Plastics cannot lock this chemical in them for long. Eventually, they start leaching out BPA, which can quickly enter your body when you come in contact with plastic.

But are you breathing a sigh of relief because you only use 'BPA- free plastic?'
Then we have some bad news. Plastic manufacturers take advantage of partial customer knowledge. In making plastics BPA-free, they add BPS and BPF. These two chemicals are even more dangerous than Bisphenol A. They release more estrogen and thyroid, which negatively affect your endocrine functions.

Phthalates share equal blame.
These industrial chemicals soften polyvinyl chloride. They are present in cosmetics, personal care products, household cleaners, and food packaging. A dozen studies in the past have confirmed phthalates to have a strong link to asthma, male infertility, autism, lower IQ in children, breast cancer, type 2 diabetes, and many other disorders.

Are you getting worried about the notorious chemicals in your body?
Well, there are ways to reduce the toxic overload on your body. It will not happen overnight, but continued efforts can make a difference. Making too many changes in one go can be overwhelming and expensive.

For more information, please watch the video until the very end.

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