Transhumanism and The Anti-God Agenda: We Just Don’t Need the Vast Majority of the Population

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What would you say if I told you there is an elite movement to create immortality and “become gods?” The topmost advocate of transhumanism, and top advisor to Claus Schaub (head of the World Economic Forum), Yuval Noah Harari has a very clear banner on his homepage of his website that says, “history began when humans invented gods and will end when humans become gods.”

Transhumanism is a belief (yes, BELIEF my atheist friends) that humans should strive to transcend the physical limitations of the mind and body by technological means, and it takes many forms. From uploading and downloading consciousness, to artificial wombs, to manipulating DNA, transhumanism is the link that ties together many of the atrocities we’re seeing on the earth today. So why would Mr. Harari, top advisor to one of the wealthiest and most powerful organizations of non-elected officials on the planet, state that “we just don’t need the vast majority of the population,” knowing that he represents a group of rich people who believe they are responsible for addressing such a statement? What are they going to do about it?

So glad you asked…

After much time off, we’re kicking off Season 2 of the Miracles & Atheists Community Call-In (MACC) and all forms of the Miracles & Atheists platform to expose our community to movements and agendas that you won’t see from the mainstream media, like transhumanism, and present evidence to you that reveals the anti-God agenda behind it.

We have quite a few skeptic and atheist followers and we want to encourage you to use the skills you’ve developed as a skeptic to question the existence of God, and start questioning what we’re being told to accept by the governments of the world.

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