ep. 47 Love? Our pets are God's love gift. Sometimes we don't realize the love until it exits.

2 years ago

What is love and how is it expressed? Is love only between humans? How does love stalk us and appear to us? Love will come at us in many forms, some expected and typical while other examples completely catch us off guard and by surprise. In the midst of our busy and challenging lives we often overlook God's love even when it is staring us in the face. I think when love hits us it is teaching us a lesson on who we really are and how we all desperately need the sincere companionship and love of others. The old expression, "you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone" is so very true of love and that's when you realize how empty you can feel without it.
Life takes us away from those we love, especially our animal companions. Be it school obligations, work etc. we often get separated from our loved ones. The pain we can feel if they pass while we are gone can be unbearable. Fear not and alleviate yourself from guilt. Our beloved pets will always be with us, here in this world and on the other side.

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