Dream About Race War - Civil War Ignitor

2 years ago

Fourth dream about Black vs. White civil unrest or war. I can see how violence will start. Dutch Government official admits 5G is for Crowd control. Seal 2 is Mind Controlism. What are solutions to stop this. Lincoln Cement dream and Christians helping Christians no matter the race.

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.New book about what is the Fourth Beast System and how Seal One opening was key to start it. We cover new ideas about Abomination of Desolation, and who could be the Ten Kingdoms. https://www.amazon.com/Seal-Opened-Keys-Beast-KINGDOM-ebook/dp/B0B65NZH1R/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1NNH620XXMKWV&keywords=sjwellfire&qid=1658255333&sprefix=sjwellfire%2Caps%2C132&sr=8-2

Dream About Race War - Civil War Ignitor

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