Step 1 To Establishing Bill Cooper's Martyrdom? The Autopsy Report Shows Luciferian-(Just-us) Death-Shot Left Powder Burns

2 years ago


Autopsy Report Link:
I actually for the first time drove near his broadcast station <year before the assassination. Show Low. (Before witnessing my first office-conspiracy where the ice-cubes were poisoned for one unwanted, particularly hard-working engineer. Only one employee out of fifteen refused to participate and quit her job from that office of natural thugs, lead, of course, by a Freemasonic thUg. Most of humanity are just natural backstabbers... the soul of the American Dream had already been compromised by 9/11 through mostly mass-media mind-control, I guess. Cooper would turn in his grave, I guess, if I told him what I saw. 1 in 15 still held onto her spirit. 350M/15=23 million still have it. So, patriotic are only 1 or 2/15, minus the 1/50 Freemasonic thUgs who make up North America. But maybe that office was 5/15 Luciferian who were already morally compromised. Luciferians are not citizens to any country they live in, they are internationalists and have no borders around the world... apparently. I think Cooper said that.)

I can see the true patriots sweeping over the country exposing the secret brainchip-hivemind army of Freemasonic/Luciferian thUgs identified by the scanner that every freedom fighter carries to catch the wicked saboteurs:

The Luciferians require the microwaves in the airwaves to power-up their brainchips... Hence all the towers close to the ground in the cities...
To bring down the Tower-Of-Babel(TOB) that runs the Covid-19 "Satan Sheep Slaughter" WW3 operation of secret genocide of the non-Cult people... Just interrupt the hivemind communications.

This is why the Luciferians are planning to establish low orbit satellites to increase the microwave prison grid robustness.

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