Bringing Natural Therapies into Mainstream Healthcare

2 years ago

Aug 17, 2022

There's Health Care (Looking after the health of people) and Health Systems (Hospitals and Clinics). When the two come together; Public Health Wins (and Big Pharma loses)

World Of Wellness (WOW) ethics and approach to Health Care needs to take over where the World Health Organisation (WHO) ethics and approach has been compromised and is focussed on Big Pharma Orientated Health Systems

The Covid19 Public Health Care Disaster perpetuated by the WHO should tell us all it is time for a big change

WHO is clearly compromised by Big Pharma and Bill Gates
Dangerous untested neither safe nor effective Novel Technology Vaccines were Adopted and injected to a scary number of people; in the billions...Safe and Effective Antivirals were sidelined (Intentionally) to facilitate the Vaccinations

- Disastrous cocktail of mRNA adverse events with the full extent of the disaster not know for another 10-20 years
- Accelerated spread of Covid19 with known negative efficacy of the Vaccines
See NSW Government Data:
- Obstruction of early treatment protocols at the request of Big Pharma that have been responsible for well over 80% of Covid19 deaths in the countries that have blocked them (including Australia)

Big Pharma make big profits with synthetic patented medications.
Big Pharma make Big Deals with World Health Organisation (WHO)
Signatories to the WHO are found here (Most of the World)
Governments make big and secret deals with Big Pharma bound by WHO guidelines - all paid for by the people's TAXES collected and yet to be collected

Its time the True Medicine was Practiced once again and Big Pharma is made to pay for what it has done with the profits it has made.

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