Russian unveiled 'new' robot dog armed with grenade launcher

2 years ago

Russian unveiled 'new' robot dog armed with grenade launcher
Russian unveiled 'new' robot dog armed with grenade launcher at arms fair
'Designers' claim it can hunt tanks, as well as performing patrol and guard tasks
But experts think the robot is actually a Chinese-made 'home helper' robot
Go1 dog-bot is designed to follow a human around, can only carry light loads, cannot traverse rough terrain and has a battery that lasts as little as 30 minute
At first glance it seems to be a terrifying vision of the war in the future: A robotic attack dog, armed with grenade launcher, designed to hunt and kill tanks.

But upon closer inspection the new 'weapon', unveiled at Russia's Army-2022 defence exposition in Moscow, actually appears to be a Chinese 'home helper' that anyone can buy online for as little as £2,500.
Far from blowing up heavily armoured vehicles, the dog is actually designed to follow a human companion around like a pet, carrying relatively-light loads of up to 7lbs - or roughly the weight of an unloaded grenade launcher.

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