Constitutional Benefits and Protections For Your Private Healing Practice - Video #4

2 years ago

In this final video of the private domain Constitutional Protections series, I talk about some of the fabulous benefits of making the not-so-scary leap into the private domain.
* Operate outside of the jurisdiction and authority of federal and state government and agencies.
* Maintain greater privacy of financial, business affairs, and your client information.
* Greater security of being able to continue operations and maybe even expand.
* Increased profits due to unrestricted and beneficial structuring.
* Operate under a legal and lawful exemption and exception determined by the U.S. Supreme Court and GOD!!
* More rights to accomplish personal goals and objectives within the private domain than the public.

To follow along with the document I'm referencing

Book a free call now if you are ready to get started or have questions. These calls are for faith-based health care and healing practitioners and/or ministries only.

David Edwards - the PMA OG -

My fellow PMA advisor Aaron Bowman has a badass YouTube Channel - Rebel Alliance, Check him out here

Fellow PMA Advisor Guy Stinson and David created a short course for those of you who want to learn more - it’s fantastic!
A Guide to Starting Your Own PMA -

Get your money backed by silver and work with another PMA at Liberty Dollar

Join me on Rumble as well

In health and freedom,
Dr. Layne

Disclaimer: I am not a CPA, tax advisor, attorney, or bookkeeper, nor do I hold any degrees that I am not completely transparent about. By watching these videos and using the information, you are agreeing to take full responsibility for your own experience and results.

The information in these videos and on this channel are intended for members of Layne Linebaugh, DC, PHA, or those agreeing to the bylaws of the association.

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