Small Cell Site Deployment

2 years ago

Location: Calgary Downtown, Alberta, Canada

This small cell site is part of the expanding 5G grid. Because the millimeter wave has difficulty travelling through objects, the cellular sites have to be relatively close to each other to maintain a strong signal to run the automation including self-driving vehicles.

It should be noted the cellular site is painted the same colour as the street lamp, creating a camouflage effect.

Further, we measured EMF radiation from cell site in the mid-extreme: 3.0 V/m peak signal and 3200 uW/m2 power output.

The safe levels are below 0.50 V/m peak signal and 1000 uW/M2 peak power output (BioInitiative and Building Biology).

All the cellular sources add to the EMF radiation levels. The major concern is that 5G when fully deployed and activated will increase EMF radiation levels by 10 to 100 times, and the infrastructure will be unavoidable. People will be bathed in extreme EMF radiation.

Some of the biological effects correlated to EMF meter measurements are listed here:

At NCA we realize that many Canadians are uninformed and misinformed about the realities as indicated by their obedience to the multi-controlled political establishment, which is harming them and putting their future in peril.

Therefore, all we can do at NCA is continue to raise awareness, until a critical mass is ready to reclaim the country and whatever may be left of it.

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