Myst Series (Part 2)

2 years ago

4 hours - Riven: The Sequel to Myst
4 hours - Myst III: Exile

The button for the domes in Riven is what took so long to activate, because of me not observing the walls, apparently. Also, the marbles were all wrong, and it's just... a lot of information the player has to cross-reference when they do the marble puzzle. Myst III: Exile? It's mostly all experimentation and exploration through context clues.
Next stream will probably end Myst III: Exile and begin Myst IV: Revelations.
Boy is that one going to be a doozy, but it's also my all-time favorite out of them all, truth be told.

... Should have explored the optional endings in Riven, to be honest.
That singular, unassuming button took all my frustrations out of getting the other endings.

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