1 - Children at Heart

2 years ago

In this inaugural episode of UotUs the Unknowns warm up by speculating on why people believe in Flat Earth. During this discussion Ashley takes a side swipe at Abraham Lincoln , Jackye reveals she would like to be a normie, and Terence and Keel - the latter of whom had to bat away accusations that he was the actual normie of the group - cross friendly swords over whether the Apollo moon landings were faked or not. (And just as well it was friendly because we all know that Keel would win in any real sword fight.)

Then Jackye horrifies the boys by telling a story of a young male friend who had an unsettling and “trans-formative” late night date encounter with a “woman” who was packing more than expected. The whole group admired the young man’s non-violent reaction to the unexpected and unwelcome trans person; well, apart from Jackye who wanted to “beat their ass”! This led to a full exploration of the Trans Agenda as a whole. Terence bemoaned the leftist word-shenanigans that screw with our heads; though he didn’t use such polite words. (Sorry!) Keel meanwhile condemned the deception displayed by the anti-hero/heroine of the tale. The discussion was rounded out by Ashley’s masterful mike drop deconstruction of the hidden aims that might be behind the Trans Agenda.

The Unknowns finished off – by way of a short diversion into 9/11 and My Pet Goat - with Jackye’s special guest and man of mystery, Ruff, explaining why serving overseas in the American post-9/11 forces was just like being on vacation.
Useful links discussed in today’s show:

Swipe Right Rehab – Jackye’s other podcast, co-hosted with her friend Gianna (how many friends does this girl have?!?) on the perils and pitfalls of online dating.
The Propaganda Report, with Brad Binkley and Monica Perez- our founding father and mother, and the hosts of great and informative podcasts;
The Corbett Report – one of the OGs of conspiracy podcasting and the source of a wealth of well-researched knowledge;
The Free Thought Project – “a hub for Free Thinking conversations about the promotion of liberty and the daunting task of government accountability”;
The Anti-Neocon Report – Alt historian and podcaster Ryan Dawson’s main site;
Massimo Mazzucco’s Films – English versions of Italian documentary maker Massimo Mazzucco’s films, including his 9/11 work “September 11 – The New Pearl Harbour” and his Apollo moon fakery exposé (sorry Keel!) “American Moon”, can be found here.
As we explained in this episode, we don’t really do social media - well we are Unknowns after all! But if you would like to support us, please subscribe on your favourite podcasting platform, leave a great review, and don’t forget to tune in next time for more unscripted, uncensored and un-PC conversations from Union of the Unknowns.

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