Why Many Will Seek to Enter but not Be Able (Luke 13:25-30)

3 years ago

In Luke 13, verse 24 Jesus said, “Strive to enter through the narrow door. For many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able.” In last week’s sermon we made it halfway through this verse. Notice the two halves. The first half is about people striving to enter through the narrow door now while they can. The second half is about people seeking to enter later when it’s too late. So Jesus spoke of the narrow door that’s open now and the closed door people encounter later. Not only is the door narrow and difficult to enter, it also won’t remain open forever. Learn why some will seek to enter but be unable.

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Here's the accompanying podcast episode: https://www.scottlapierre.org/why-many-will-seek-to-enter-but-not-be-able/

00:00 Sermon Lessons

14:24 Lesson One: The ________________ ____, “Does the Lord know you?”

21:27 Lesson Two: The Lord doesn’t know people who ______________ ________________.

47:50 Lesson Three: There will ____ __________________ in the kingdom of God.

Family Worship Guide

Day 1: Can you think of any other examples in Scripture of people being shut out? Why did these people seem to think they should be allowed in? What similarities do you see between this passage and Matthew 7:21-23? What does it mean for the Lord to know us?

Day 2: Why wouldn’t Jesus open the door to them? In other words, why did he tell them to depart? Describe the balance between repenting but continuing to struggle with sin. What is easy believism? Why is easy believism dangerous?

Day 3: What are some of the privileges the Jews had? Why did the Jews think they would go to heaven? Who did the Jews think would not go to heaven? What do you think will surprise us about heaven?
Why We Must Strive to Enter through the Narrow Door

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