How to Change Any Dress Color in Photoshop || Bangla Tutorial

2 years ago

# photoshop_bangla_tutorials #change_any_color #how_to_change_t-shirt_color
Using the Basic Concepts of Hue Saturations, Easily Change Any Color Including Golden or Red in Photoshop! Create realistic colors by combining the power of Hue Saturations-If coupled with Adjustment Layers and Blending Modes, Hue Saturations!

In this tutorial, we will be using Adjustments Layers along with Multiply Blend Mode to project color on any object. Then, using Hue Saturations Color Blend-If, we will learn how to add dimension and depth to make the object look natural and realistic.

0:53 Introduction
01:00 Female Model Hue Saturations, blending Mode, color change, and preset details
07:01 Male Model Dress Color Change Details
9:30 Finishing Part

Hope this tutorial helps. Thank you for watching :)

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