On GMO Tuesday...How Bad is IT???

2 years ago

It is possible. We can make simple changes in our habits that will have huge consequences on our health and quality of life. These changes are often best brought about by first determining what needs changing and then developing new habits.
Growers often use pesticides to protect their products from insects, weeds, fungi, and otherpests. U.S. regulators help ensure that food produced with the use of pesticides is safe to eatby setting allowable levels called tolerances for pesticide chemical residues and bymonitoring foods in the market to determine if those levels are being exceeded.The role of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is to establish pesticide tolerances onthe amount of a pesticide chemical residue a food can contain. The Food and DrugAdministration (FDA) is responsible for enforcing those tolerances for domestic foodsshipped in interstate commerce and foods imported into the United States (U.S.).*This report summarizes the results of FDA’s pesticide monitoring program for Fiscal Year(FY) 2020. The findings show that the levels of pesticide chemical residues measured byFDA in the U.S. food supply are generally in compliance with EPA pesticide tolerances.   



PAN Europe takes legal action against systematic prolongation of permits for toxic pesticides' by the European Commission

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