ALL politician celebrity entrepreneur from same nephilim & fallen angel clone avatar body bloodlines

2 years ago

*** Intelligence news update from the Human Homo-Sapiens Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) headquarters and Republic Rebel Alliance battlefront (August 2022). Satan Lucifer’s Illuminati top hierarchy “White Lodge Brotherhood” ascended master fallen angel devils who run the universe from Shambhala city above Tibet (prince of the air) are red-haired green-eyed blue-eyed Aryan white-skinned hot-tempered cannibal giants. Their air force is Easter Ishtar Ashtar command. These “Twilight Saga vampire” fallen angel “fake alien” devils drink human children’s DNA adrenochrome blood, in order to take on human form to breed red-haired cannibal nephilim giant children. They not only drink human blood that has life force energy but also parasite on the life force energy of humans through wars and pain and suffering and loss and fear and anger and humiliation. These fallen angels call themselves “man” and they call man who is created in the image of the Almighty Holy Righteous Loving Creator God YHWH Jesus as “humans,” because they consider mankind as inferior cockroach pest beings who have different color hue skin, hence “human.” The fallen angels have red hair and white skin and green eyes or blue eyes. Hence, the famous expression, “Gingers have no souls,” because these pedophile cannibal Satanist nephilim giants and fallen angel incarnate avatar red-haired vampire witches do not have human souls, but they are devil spirits and demon spirits. They are parasites and vampires and supernatural psychic power “Hansel & Gretel” cannibal witches. They are the earth’s hidden matriarchal rulers for 5,000 years. They run the world in Western black nobility families cloned hybrid human-looking avatar bodies in the accursed Western feminist nations. All politicians and Hollywood celebrities and idol singers and models and billionaire entrepreneurs and corporate executives and CIA NSA MI6 FBI leaders and court judges and artists and fashion designers and popular church pastors and military leaders and mafia families and Vatican people are all related by bloodline and live inside cloned hybrid human-looking avatar bodies from just a few black nobility families. Amy explains about their connections between all organizations and publicly known people and secret societies and governments and Satanist groups and Satan Lucifer and his Illuminati top hierarchy “White Lodge Brotherhood” ascended masters “fake aliens” fallen angel devils vampires. They run the 5,000 year old Atlantis Umbrella company’s COVID19 Coronavirus fake pandemic biochemical weapon vaccine extermination of humans, and Ukraine nuclear plans, and manufactured famine plans, and Nibiru death star space station asteroid plans, and opening of the abyss to release the most destructive fallen angel devils, and elimination of all organic life forms in the universe, and using livestock manufactured human life force energy to power their automaton new universe. These fallen angel incarnate avatar elites and nephilim miniature giants cloned hybrid human-looking avatar bodies globalist elites have an annual “Feast of the Beast” event where they eat human children and sacrifice human children to Satan Lucifer (Sanat Kumara) to have an annual meeting with Satan Lucifer directly to receive orders for the year. According to Amy’s extensive research, the first contact with the “fake good aliens” Pleiadian fallen angel vampire devils took place at the “Feast of the Beast” meeting by the globalist elite pedophile cannibal Satanists.

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