Kundalini Practitioner is Impressed by the Energy She Felt in the Relax Far Infrared Sauna

5 years ago

Asked how she feels, Penny says, “I think more relaxed than I’ve been in 10 years. Really it was almost like all of the tension, I could just feel it unwinding and melting away. So really powerful, much more powerful than I thought it was going to be. I thought, well, I’ve been in saunas before, a lot of times. The effect was instant. And, what I expected was I’ll feel warm. I didn’t expect to feel the energetic changes. I am very good at that because I, too, have had full-blown kundalini for years now, 40 years now, and I know energy. I know what it’s doing, typically.

And, literally, I felt like I was being lengthened. My legs were curled up into my body and they were like unwinding. My back, there was that one point where I just, automatically, sat up straight and that was effortless. And, then the feeling that I could just be in the world and not be of the world at that moment. Okay, all this stuff going on. Kids running up and down the hallway. I didn’t care. This is just for the unwinding of that energy field. And, I do wholesome things about energy fields and technology and coherence and all that kind of stuff.

Yeah, it’s an amazing experience. Two - 7-minute sessions, I thought it was like three. Wow. I think I’m going to have to get one."

For a long time, she’s been looking for a replacement for her old fashion sauna. “It’s light. It looks portable, looks affordable. It has amazing effects. It unwinds your core tension and just kind of takes it away. Yeah. Immediately. I do know from 40 years of meditation and stuff how to breathe and how to use that in conjunction with whatever. This was quite the impetus to, just right now, just be relaxed.”

Phil - “Has any other sauna been similar to this?”

Penny - “Heck, no”

Having been in lots of other saunas, she says, “You want to know what else I liked about it? It’s so personal.” Having experienced being in saunas with other people, she says, “I’m too sensitive to energy fields and, that, I’m always picking up and modifying and moderating. And, this was nice because I didn’t. It was just me in my own little world. It doesn’t happen very often.

I’m a naturopathic physician and I’m forever trying to get people to detox. This would be a fabulous way for that to happen painlessly. Even if it’s an adjunct to some of the really hospital-grade detox procedures that I teach, you have to have some things that are easy. It can be difficult. So, this would be a wonderful way to heal the entire family, or an extended family, if they all wanted to go in on it together. I’ve said the same thing that you said. Everybody has a refrigerator. Everybody has a washing machine. Everybody has the tools that they need except the healing tools. And, very few people understand energy or frequency. So, this is really, really wonderful.

I was extremely tired because I had that long drive and very little sleep, actually, for the last week. It’s almost like as I am cooling off I can feel my energy-boosting without the heat fatigue that I had. Yeah. It’s been great.”

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Click below for a comparison of infrared saunas and what makes the Relax Far Infrared sauna different https://www.relaxsaunas.com/saunas-compared.html

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