A Minute to Midnite - Serious Mega Drought and Famine of Biblical Proportions Has Begun

2 years ago

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I had the pleasure of being a guest on A Minute To Midnite to discuss the world wide drought happening. About four months ago I started to see articles about two of our largest reservoirs at historically low levels. I knew we were in a long term drought but really had no idea how bad it was. More articles started to appear literally daily that were alarming.

Our water supplies were evaporating at alarming speed. I began to see that our entire nation was under a severe drought, even in places no one would ever expect. Then I saw articles from NASA led scientists that were seeing all the fresh water sources such as rivers, lakes and streams drying up at the same rapid speed all over the world. They have gone on record saying "the have no answers, no explanations."

Then I began to see that the greatest rivers of the world were nearly gone in Europe. The most alarming reports were the two most ancient rivers mentioned in end times prophecy. The Nile River and the River Euphrates, as well as the Tigress River, all nearly completely dried up. Scriptures prove that this will only happen right before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. We are now in that time. Thank you for listening, Maranatha!

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