Exclusive: Boeing Whistleblower’s Fight for Truth

5 years ago

Two Boeing 737 MAX jetliners crashed within five months,
causing a total of 346 deaths
Why did these accidents happen? What caused those crashes?

Charles Shi is a former supply chain manager at Moog Aircraft,
Boeing’s main supplier for its flight control systems
He said counterfeit parts made with non-aerospace materials
have been installed in 777 and 737 planes that are in service fade out-fade in with black background
The story goes like this
Charles set up the Moog supply chain in East Asia and audited
almost all suppliers except New HongJi Precision Parts (NHJ)
In 2015, Charles was alerted that
NHJ had a history of using non-aerospace materials to make
aerospace products and falsifying material certifications
Charles sent an engineer to investigate NHJ's production lines

Investigation exposed that NHJ did not conform to the industry’s
standard identification method for material traceability
This could potentially cause quality issues
An engineer from NHJ’s former client told Charles

NHJ's owner Li Jian instructed his workers to use substandard
materials and fabricate certifications
NHJ’s ex-workers admitted that they were “the counterfeiting brigade”
If they were caught, they would go to jail
Charles reported to the Chines police on 3 June 2018,
but did not get a response for months
He contacted them repeatedly and
actively supported police investigation
Because of that, his house was broken in
But no valuables were lost

Charles said that was a direct warning to him
In the end, the police refused to officially establish the case
claiming they couldn’t find evidence of wrong-doing
Surprisingly, NHJ sued Charles for defamation on June 28
Chales asked the court:
How was NHJ able to sue him
when the investigation was still on-going?

The court said NHJ used the evidence that
Charles had provided to the police to sue him
When Charles met the police again, they had
collected lots of documents from NHJ including
raw material certificates bearing NHJ’s logo

Charles told the police NHJ didn’t produce raw materials,
how could it issue certificates?
Those certificates were all fake

He was shocked to hear the police say that
counterfeiting was not necessarily a crime
Charles wrote a letter to Chairman Xi Jinping via China State
Complaint Centre and hasn’t got a reply till now
He approached virtually all Chinese mainstream media
including Xinhua and CCTV and got no reply
Only CGTN offered an interview but cancelled the interview
on the scheduled day
Charles exposed the issue on Weibo
and his Weibo account was banned
He fears it is only a matter of time before he is silenced...
Charles told the reporter:
“All my devices including email and voice mail or bloggings are
closely watched by police and they can take any
action they like to arrest me for speaking the truth and it is apparent now, the police is protecting the
counterfeiter and local corrupt government agencies
instead of whom is speaking out the truth.”

Charles hopes that more media will help cover his story.
He can be contacted at charlesshi88@outlook.com

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