Proof Ivanka Trump is Trying to Get Gun Control Measures Passed in Congress Based on False Pretenses

5 years ago

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Washington, DC. Ivanka Trump has been reported by Axios to be quietly approaching members of Congress and lawmakers about gun control legislation, trying to figure out how to get such legislation passed in a way that Trump supporters will accept as a valid option. This is a follow up to my August 13 article on this subject. The reason I am doing this piece is to expand on my first post on this subject three days ago. People that say the post in general were surprised, and rightly so, because Ivanka or “Yael Kushner”, her official Jewish name, has not been all that vocal on her interactions with lawmakers and members of Congress on this matter. IT only came to the surface it seems because Axios reported on it first.

What I am trying to convey to you is the fact that Ivanka Trump is pushing for this gun control legislation based on a false premise and she knows it. Ivanka Trump is a Senior Advisor to Donald Trump, the President of the United States. This tells us that she has the same access to information that the President also has so she is getting the same reports on activities that the President is being briefed about.

What makes all this so heinous is that the media is complicit in the cover up of the real motives behind the last two “mass shootings” that took place in El Paso, TX and in Dayton, OH on August 3rd and and August 4th respectively. Both shootings are being reported as having been committed by the same type of actor, “White Males” who are either identified by the media as Satanists (Dayton, OH shooter) and Racist White Supremacists (El Paso, TX Shooter). What the Main Stream Media is not telling...

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