Heavenly Trump Inherits the Win!

2 years ago

[00:30] Heavenly Horse Race (16 minutes)

A horse named Heavenly Trump won a race on June 24 after the front-runner veered into a guardrail and knocked the jockey out of the saddle. God certainly seems to have a sense of humor! This weekend, Donald Trump teased his forthcoming announcement about running for president in 2024. Also, investigative journalist Lara Logan showed clear evidence at an election security forum that Maricopa County’s employees deleted files from the election server before giving voting machines to Senate auditors.

[16:00] Biden’s COVID Relapse (8 minutes)

Joe Biden has tested positive for COVID again. Before relapsing, he bragged, “You can live without fear by doing what I did: Get boosted, get tested, and get treatment.” That “treatment” is Pfizer’s COVID “cure-all” Paxlovid, which actually causes COVID relapse in many people, including Dr. Anthony Fauci. COVID relapse—brought to you by Pfizer.

[24:45] S.E.P. Montage (10 minutes)

Highlights from this year’s Summer Educational Program!

[34:55] The Story of Growth (20 minutes)

The theme of the Summer Educational Program this year was “Leaders in Training.” Throughout summer camp, the youth were encouraged to use S.E.P. as a jump start to spiritual growth. God’s work has always been a story about growth. You can know where God’s one true Church is if you look at the fruits of that growth!

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