UK and European Politics Heat Up

2 years ago

[00:30] Heat Wave Ignites UK Panic (15 minutes) 

The United Kingdom is experiencing an especially hot summer, and the government and media are hyperventilating about it—Don’t go outside; you’ll die! Apparently, one hot day is concrete proof of climate change. UK leaders are using the hot weather to promote their net-zero carbon emissions programs, despite the fact that the last time UK carbon emissions were this low was 1888.

[16:23] UK Leadership Election Update (12 minutes) 

The UK is getting closer to choosing a new leader in a process almost like a gameshow, where one contestant is voted out each day. Yesterday, Boris Johnson used the term “deep state” in the House of Commons for possibly the first time. Meanwhile, Prince Harry addressed the United Nations about abortion rights.

[28:48] Political Tremors Shake European Economy (21 minutes) 

Europe is facing another euro crisis. The European Central Bank is no longer able to buy Italian government debt or print money to paper over its problems. Germany may be able to help—but its assistance always comes with strings attached. At the same time, Germany is facing problems of its own because Russia has switched off its gas pipeline, Nord Stream 1.  

[50:00] Radical Left Wants More Control Over the Federal Reserve (5 minutes) 

The U.S. radical left is pushing a new bill called the Federal Reserve Racial and Economic Equity Act, which would give the Fed the ability to “[eliminate] disparities across racial and ethnic groups with respect to employment, income, wealth and access to affordable credit.” If passed, this would cement the radical left’s control over the Fed and torpedo the U.S. economy.

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