b e g o t t e n 自杀 - (kinetic) - 动能

3 years ago

If you are Geometric Lulaby, pleas don't strike me, just send a comment saying to remove the video

Label: Geometric Lullaby
Artist: b e g o t t e n 自杀
Album: (new aura) - 新时代
GEO - 030

Album Page: https://geometriclullaby.bandcamp.com/album/new-aura

"A void is all that's left
No sanity to be found
I've lost my mind in the process
I can't distinguish any sounds

When there's nothing to live for
And you truly are at your last
You hate yourself thoroughly
Solely dwell on the past

A new you starts emerging
Something different, something clean
Something desperate for anything
Other than a dream

But dreams are what I have
They beckon me with demand
Let's hope my dreams never come true
For if they do, you'll know exactly who I am."

“如果没有不死技术,我将在未来35年内死亡,”他感叹。死亡是不可避免的 - 目前至少是因为随着年龄的增长,构成我们身体的细胞失去了自我修复的能力,使我们容易受到心血管疾病和其他与年龄相关的大约三分之二的病症的伤害。



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