Marcus Allen, Apollo Fact or Fiction? July 29th 2019 High Wycombe Paranormal Meet up Group

5 years ago

Marcus Allen presents Apollo: Fact or Fiction? An updated presentation of Marcus Allen of Nexus Magazine, with new information on film in a vacuum. Was the Apollo Moon missions of the late 60s an early 70s faked? The Saturn V rocket was real, but what happened after launch? Marcus examines the photos and looks at the evidence of possible fraudulence in the missions. Presented at High Wycombe Paranormal Meet up Group, High Wycombe, Bucks in the same month as the 50th anniversary of the Apollo Moon Landing, July 1969. Marcus is the UK distributor of Nexus Magazine. He has also contributed widely to TV and radio and magazine interviews on this subject and more recent recordings with him can be found on this channel with The Apollo Detectives ( part 1 ) ( Part 2) ( Part 3)

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